Sometimes your mind can get fixated on something, and it just won’t let go. For some people, this happens a lot — sometimes more than they realize.
How can you tell if your mind won’t let go of something? Some signs:
- You won’t let go of an argument
- You’re known for always wanting to be right
- You replay conversations in your mind, arguing internally
- You stew over an offense for a long time
- You hold grudges
- You get frustrated a lot because things aren’t the way you like them
- People get tired of you complaining or being frustrated by the same things over and over
- You regret things strongly, and wish you could go back and redo key moments of your life
- You can’t forgive yourself for things you’ve done
A mind that fixates is a human thing, but if you’re unable to let go, your mind becomes more and more rigid.
And this can affect your relationships, your ability to focus on the present moment, and your happiness.
I’m not saying that this tendency to fixate the mind is a bad thing. There’s a strength to it, a protectiveness, a fire. But what if you want to have a more fluid mind, and let go? Maybe for a bit of peace of mind?
Let’s look at how to let go.
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